Based on technical, socio-economic and environmental constraints in the route selection study area as well as local knowledge and input, Hydro One initially identified three viable route alternatives, each with variations, for the new transmission lines. In October 2024, several refinements to the routes were made based on field studies, technical analysis, and community and stakeholder consultation.
Route 1 has been removed from consideration due to several constraints in its eastern section prior to where it joins Route 2, which make it technically unfeasible. We have also made adjustments to the remaining routes to address newly identified technical and environmental constraints. For example, refinements have been made based on updated pipeline information, the location of a heron colony nesting site and further analysis of the route into a transformer station. In addition, multiple minor changes were made to the route alternatives to reuse idle transmission line right-of-ways and ensure appropriate tower setback distances from drains and watercourses.
Property owners who may be affected by these changes have been contacted directly. See maps below for more detail about several key refinements.
See route refinements
Your feedback is an important part of our project planning process. You can share input about the areas or features important to you or your community directly on our interactive map. Your feedback will be considered in the evaluation of the route alternatives and identification of a preferred route, as well as in the mitigation measures that could be applied to avoid or minimize potential effects of the preferred route once selected.