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We are replacing aging infrastructure in the eastern part of Toronto in order to maintain the delivery of safe, reliable electricity to Toronto Hydro customers
NEWS: Please click here for construction update.
Hydro One is making important upgrades to critical transmission infrastructure that serves Toronto’s central and east end areas.The equipment being replaced was built in the 1960s and has reached its end of life. These upgrades will ensure a reliable, strong and modernized supply of power for Toronto Hydro customers.Hydro One’s Leaside to Main project involves replacing two sections of aging underground cable and replacing overhead shield wire, which protects our equipment from lightning. In addition, our forestry team has some routine vegetation maintenance planned in the same area.Our team began construction in March 2018 and work will continue to be staged over approximately one year. View the latest construction updates on the project here.
Learn more about the work we have completed to ensure provincial approval for this project.
Learn about upcoming Open Houses and the Public Information Centres (PICs) we conducted to support this project.
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For more information or to be added to the project contact list, please contact:
Tel: 416-345-6799 or 1-877-345-6799
Fax: 416-345-6984